
Experts In Preggy Exercise!

Whether you’re trying to keep moving during your pregnancy or you need to get active now that your baba has arrived we have a class for you.

One-on-one Bio sessions

Prefer a one-on-one session? Find a Fit 4 Two affiliated bio near you to get strong and healthy during and after your pregnancy.

Get Back into running

Join us and other new mommies to get those legs moving in our 6 week post-partum Return to Running program.

6 week TLC 4 Moms reset

We are here for you. Join our TLC 4 Moms support group for a 6 week reset. Refill your emotional tank while connecting with and getting support from other moms.

Safe for you and Your Baby

Exercising while pregnant can be incredibly intimidating and comes with a ton of concerns. You’re in safe hands with Fit 4 Two.

Preggy Classes

Mom & Baby Classes

One on One Sessions

Double points for Discovery Vitality

At Fit 4 Two we understand that exercise can be daunting both during and after pregnancy.

We are a specialised Pre- and Post-natal exercise programme developed by qualified Biokineticists Gill Scheepers and Kayla Forbes.

Our programme is unique as it has been designed using scientific and medical principles. Our programme is divided into Pre-Natal exercise and Post-Natal Exercise.
All of our classes take place in a safe indoor environment and are 45 minutes long.

Prefer a one-on-one session? Visit a Fit 4 Two affiliated bio.

Get moving mama!

Anytime. Anywhere.

Do this for you